August 16-17 I attended the first conference of the Nordic DIGRA – the Nordic chapter of the Digital Games Research Association. It was held at the department of computer science at Stockholm University, located in Kista. The roster contained several familiar faces. The turn out was in general positive and it was a luxury for once to be able to just sit and enjoy while others did the talking. Thank you all participants who presented. A special thank you to Markus Montola who presented on the uncomfortable topic of roleplaying games that can be considered controversial to say the least, and political, challenging, provocative and educational at best. Thanks also to Tobias Wrigstad who dares make such games that Markus spoke of. And I learned some new words in the process like “bleed” in the context of roleplay and “jeepform” RP. 🙂 You can see for yourself here! Kisses to you for enlightening me and hugs to the conference organizers for making this an enjoyable first Nordic Digra conference and greetings to everyone else who made the conference a success.