Här finner du publikationer och annat vi producerat relaterat till mammaprojektet och annan relevant forskning.

Here you can find papers and other things that we have produced or published in relation to our project and other relevant research.

1. “My Momma Shoots Better Than You: Who is The Female Gamer? (Enevold & Hagström 2008)” is a paper on representations of mothers in popular cultural gaming discourses presented at The [Player] Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark August 26-28, 2008. Lund University is in possession of a copy of the printed proceedings that were edited by Calleja, Leino and Mosberg-Iversen.

2. “Mothers, Play, And Everyday Life: Ethnology meets Game Studies” (Enevold & Hagström 2009) is an article published in Ethnologia Scandinavica 2009, an English journal on Scandinavian ethnology.

3. “Game Love – A Categorization Model” (Enevold 2007/2010), is part of a project on Game Love that Jessica Enevold started in 2007, and is currently working into an anthology project she is launching together with Dr Esther MacCallum Stewart. A short-hand model is posted here for access, making it possible to reference the work that Enevold originally wrote about in Swedish [Spelkärlek – Vanligt, Verkligt, Virtuellt] and has lectured on at Lund University and IT University of Copenhagen. Abstract of the presentation “Games – What’s Love Gotta Do With Them?” can be found here: Culture and Computer Games: Studying Online Activities, Umeå, March 26-27 2008, a conference organized at Umeå Humlab by Torill Mortensen.
For more information contact Jessica Enevold.

4.“Domesticating Play- Designing Everyday Life: The Practice and Performance of Family, Gender, and Gaming” (Enevold 2012) This paper deals with the constitution of everyday playing practices by taking a closer look at the material objects essential to play and their role in the “design of everyday life” (Shove et al 2007). It uses ethnographic method and anthropological practice theory to attend to the domestic spaces of leisure and play, the home environments, in which the large part of today’s practices of playing digital games takes place. It focuses on the stagings of material, not virtual, artifacts of gaming: screens, consoles, hand-held-devices essential to play and their locations and movements around the home. It demonstrates how everyday practices, seemingly mundane scenographies and choreographies, practically, aesthetically and technologically determined, order everyday space-time and artifacts, domesticate play and condition performances of family, gender and gaming. In the process, a history of the domestication of play unfolds.

5. “Datorspel som pedagogisk resurs”. (Enevold 2012) Kapitel om möjliga sätt att använda sig av datorspel i undervisningen. Skriven för antologin Ett trollspö på katedern: att arbeta med fantasy i skolan, redigerad av Ehriander och Nilsson. BTJ förlag i Lund.

6. “What’s the use of Gaming?”(Enevold & Hagström 2012) The abstract of our presentation at Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, in Paris July 2-6 2012 is uploaded here since the Crossroads – Daily Program did not include abstracts, only panel titles, which in our case was “Mothers and Motherhood”, which does not say much about the actual content of the presentations.

7.Rum för spel. Att få, ta och skapa utrymme(Hagström 2013). En artikel om hur kvinnor får, tar och skapar utrymme för sitt spelande, liksom för hur familjer strukturerar och organiserar hemmet estetiskt och praktiskt och därmed samtidigt mer eller mindre medvetet inför reglering av speltid och spelrum. Artikeln bygger på en presentation i sessionen ”Kvinnor gör rum” vid 32:a Nordiska etnolog- och folkloristkonferensen 2012. Publicerad i Nätverket.

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