Just a quick note on past events. June 6-8, the second Nordic Digra Conference was held in Tampere, Finland. Right after Nick Montfort gave his keynote, I presented my article “Domesticating Play, Designing Everyday Life” as the first presenter in our panel, which was a very interesting one overall. I also got to  enjoy both the presence  and presentations of many of my  great colleagues/friends from all over Europe AND delicious carrot-beetroot cake served during the coffee break! All papers are accessible from the Proceedings, published in the Digra Digital Library.

Unfortunately I had to hurry home to the MACA graduation, (which NB was a great event!) and had to miss most of the second day. But Nordic Digra 2012 was a great event the organizers can be proud of and it is always great to listen and mingle with  game studies people who tend to come from all kinds of disciplinary corners. An anthropologist, Minna Ruckenstein,  even got to give one of the keynotes – on  gambling. For those of you with Facebook, some additional info and pics can be found here. Linderoth has also written, in Swedish though, about the conference and a few of the papers on his blog Spelvetenskapliga betraktelser.

And here I thought Game Studies was NOT male-dominated :). In any case: a glimpse of the game scholars attentively listening to Annika’s talk.

Annika Waeern and Raine Koskimaa

Annika Waern “framing games” in a full room of critical game scholars! Program Chair Raine Koskimaa listening to the left.












Next on this site, we should hear from Lotta’s attendance and presentation at the 32nd Nordic Ethnology and Folklorist conference in Bergen, Norway, where she gets to hang out with all our great ethnology-colleagues. Yes, I wish I were there!  But, then we are soon both off to Paris to present at the huge conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2012 – which btw must have the most boring website ever… they rely totally on the attraction of Pareeeeh. Aah, but soo do we.  Alors, brioche et vin, la semaine prochaine !! See you there perhaps!