Lecture by Dr. Hilde G. Corneliussen, associate professor in Digital Culture, University of Bergen, Norway.  In her lecture she will explore the question of stability and change in gender-technology relations in a historical perspective.  Among the examples you will meet cultural discourses warning women against being “sent back to the kitchen sink” unless they develop an interest for computers; recruitment initiatives inviting women to computer science because they are good at communicating with people; female computer experts presented as not-(masculine)-nerds; and computer competent women using femininity to surprise their environments.

  • Date: Tuesday November 27
  • Time: 15.15-16.45 followed by film and discussion 17.00-18.00
  • Place: Room 201, Kulturanatomen, Biskopsgatan 7, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences

More info at the HEX site. Welcome!

Friending the Prime Minister – The Culture and Use of Political Interaction on Social Media


WITH: Lisbeth Klastrup who works as Associate Professor at the IT-University of Copenhagen, where she is affiliated with the Digital Culture and Communication and Media Research Groups.  She has studied the culture and use of online worlds and social media format since 1999, and is currently working on a book on social network media.

LECTURE: What happens when people start friending their prime minister and politicians wash all their dirty laundry in front of a curious social media audience? In recent years, politicians and political parties have started to use social media extensively as part of their political campaigning in relation to local and national elections for parliament.  What does “political life” in social media look like currently and historically, and how do users in fact engage with politics and politicians? Is there such a thing as a “political culture” in the social media sphere and if so, what does it look like? This lecture will discuss these questions and more, primarily based on the study of use of social media in Danish election campaigns from 2005 to 2011.

LAB: In the lab, we will follow up on the lecture, first by short group work where you discuss your own use of social media in a political context, and then followed by joint discussion and commentary.

WHEN? 4 October, 13.15–16.00 13.15-14.45 Lecture + Q & A ** short break ** 15.00-16.00 Exercises in the computer lab

WHERE? Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund. Room 201, 1st floor, in Kulturanatomen at Biskopsgatan 7.

HOW: Drop in. It is not mandatory to announce your participation ahead of time, but it is much appreciated! Please email:


March 25, Dr. J. Annette Markham, Guest Professor, Centre for Internet Research, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark. gave a much appreciated  lecture in the HEX- Digital Cultures and Games Lecture and Lab series first launched in September 2009. This time a joint seminar for HEX, the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies sections for Ethnology, Library and information Science, and the Master of Applied Cultural Analysis, the lecture gave an exposé of the intricacies of doing ethnography on digital cultures. The talk titled  “Remix Ethnography: Qualitative Research for Lived Experience of Media in a Mobile, Fragmented, and Global Epoch” was followed by a lab trying out hands-on, some of the methodological and ethical challenges posed by qualitative internet research. Thank you Annette!

Remix Lab with Prof Markham

Remix Lab with Prof Markham - full house!

Remix Lecture - Markham Methods delivered to the HEX audience

Yet another fun and interesting lecture and lab in the HEX seminar series Digital Cultures and Games was just held at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences. The lecture by Patrick Williams from Singapore Nanyang Technological University entitled “What people do in Fantasy Gameworlds and How They Do It: How the User Interface Brings People Together in Massively-multiplayer Online Games” took place on January 31 at Biskopsgatan 7, first in the lecture room and then in the mac-lab.
The lecture focused on the many interfaces engaged by players in an MMO like WoW and the multifaceted ways players convey and obtain information in order to play the game.

We had a record number of pre-registered participants and the lab was full. In the lab we all got to “get our hands on” handling and interacting with characters in World of Warcraft. (NB The mac – mice did not make this easier and had even seasoned WOW-players frustrated for a while!)

Thank you Patrick Williams, and thank you Erik Hannerz at the Sociology department Lund/Uppsala, whom I have collaborated with in inviting Patrick, and to the interested audience, which consisted of people from many different departments apart from our own including mathematics and HCI and students from the MACA – program.

The evening was concluded with an informal dinner where discussions could continue.
The next seminars in the series are planned for March 24, Annette Markham will speak about doing multi-site ethnography, and April 7 – Dan Pinchbeck, whose previous lecture was cancelled due to volcano ashes.

Miguel Sicart lectures on the Ethics of Computer Games

Lab session with Sicart- digital cultures and games 4

This time around, the 4th Hex Digital Cultures and Games Lecture/Lab seminar had a slightly different format than usual. On Thursday March 25, Jessica Enevold, HEX and Bodil Pettersson, Centre for the Study of Denmark, collaborated to arrange a half-day seminar on the theme Digital Ethics. Assistant Professor Miguel Sicart from the IT University of Copenhagen gave an inspiring and enlightening keynote with the title “Play, Interruped. On the Ethics of Computer Games.” This was preceded by presentations by Sarah Marie Holm Hansson, Nicolò Dell’Unto and Daniel Carlsson who angled the topic from as different perspectives as library science, archeology and religious studies and did so very well. The keynote was followed by a session in the gaming lab, as is customary in the Digital Cultures and Games Lecture/Lab series. Two games were tried out and discussed in terms of their success in producing ethical gameplay. Apart from being thought provoking the seminar also benefited from both speakers and audience contributing to a dynamic discussion. On behalf of Bodil and myself, I want to thank all of you who made the day so enjoyable. The entire program of the day can be found here. Next event will be held on May 18, when Dan Pinchbeck will talk about Digital Preservation. More info will be published on the Hex blog.

På HEX-gruppens blog kan läsas om kulturtemadagen “Kulturspaning 2009” som jag arrangerade tillsammans med Orvar Löfgren på Lunds Universitet. Jag organiserade då en särskild panel om digital kultur och spelvärldar. Lotta var med förstås och hon talade inte bara om datorspel och mammor utan även om minnessidor, metoder och andra virtuella undersökningar hon varit med om utfört. Anders Marklund, Olof Sundin och Benedikte Mikkelsen talade om spelare och webanvändares olika praktiker med digitala förtecken. Det var väldigt intressanta och viktiga gemensamma nämnare som framkom – det kommmer kanske en mini-antologi ut av detta – så, paneldeltagare vässa pennorna – jag filar på formuleringar!